CERTIFICATIONS: ISO 9001:2015 | ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 | ISO 27001:2018

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For over 10 years as an oversaw IT pioneer, we've worked in organization with customers of all sizes from mid-market to Fortune 100 to improve and understand their vision. Experience the effortlessness and key benefit of a trustworthy single-source accomplice.

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We are proud of our customers testimonials, which reflect their satisfaction with our services.

Jatin Paul- IBM

Jatin Paul- IBM

The Cloud Managed Services team has been impressive in their knowledge, proactiveness, timeliness, and resourcefulness in troubleshooting and maintaining the uptime of our applications. They are professional in their approach, proficient in the technology stacks and follow ISO protocols in managing our projects. In addition, I found the team friendly and fun to work with.

Muffazal Roowala- GETRONICS

Muffazal Roowala- GETRONICS

As nuances on technological platform, such as Cloud Managed services, throw many challenges coming from multiple disciplines, such as SAP application, network, database, operating system etc. To meet the same, it needs right level of skill, capability and attitude, which was exemplified by service provider like "Omnitrix.." Wishing "Omnitrix" all the best to future progress...

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Long term partnerships with leading local and international companies